история 2. более подробная
http://www.iowababies.com/stories2005.htmMy birth story really began when I was about nine weeks along and scheduled my first appointment with Carey after finding out that I was pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy Carey helped me maintain a strict diet which surely contributed to a successful labor and birth. Our journey on the outside of the womb was nearly as complicated as that occurring within. There was so much to learn and to understand. Carey stood by us every step of the way, nudging us to do the best we could for the litle one on the way.
We happily toured the facility and looked forward to a water birth, which we had learned about during our Bradley Method classes (also prompted by Carey). The Bradley classes were a turning point for me, as before them I had contemplated labor with panic, horror and fear. Coming to understand how the body works and how to work with it instead of against it resulted in a wonderful feeling of freedom.
We diligently planned our birth, consistently did our Bradley exercises, and faithfully carried out our diet regimen right up until the Big Day. On October 4th, while taking my shower before bed, my water broke, but since I was in the shower I didn't realize it and had no way of knowing how much water I had lost. Under the impression that our baby wasn't due until the last day of the month, I imagined that I had a premature rupture that would heal itself in the night while I rested. I called Carey, and as I wasn't in any pain, I went to bed as did my husband, although he told me that the baby would be born the next day because that's what happened with the cows he was familiar with on the ranch. I thanked him for the cow comparison, and we both drifted off to sleep.
At about 3:30, I awoke feeling strong pressure similar to cramps but still nothing I would call pain. I lay there for about half an hour and then got up to use the bathroom at which point my husband woke up too and asked me how often I was having this pressure. He counted the contractions and suddenly got very busy taking out the trash, feeding the cat, and telling me to hop in the shower to relax (we both thought this was the beginning and we would be away from home at least 24 hours). I wasn't perturbed at all and stayed in the shower breathing through several contractions just as I had learned from the Bradley Method. Still, I didn't have pain although the contractions had gotten stronger.
After Ricardo had gathered up our things, he suggested that we get in the car to go to Carey's. I got out of the shower, and instantly my contractions took over. I was in the full grip of labor. Much of my labor was on the toilet, since it provided a good squatting position and also relieved me of any fear of urinating on the carpet (or worse). Ricardo realized then that he wouldn't be able to drive me to Des Moines and be a coach as well. He called my mom. It was now just after 4:45 AM and this was the first my mom knew about anything. She scrambled around as did my sister Lauren, and they got to our house in about half an hour, even though they live fifteen minutes away!
When my mom arrived, I was already in transition and vomited herb tea on the carpet. I could barely walk, but they managed to get me to the van and inside. All the way to Des Moines I hoped that the baby would not be born in the van. Never had Mom driven so fast! Thankfully, we were ahead of rush hour traffic, and although Ricardo arrived a little bruised with his hair pulled and his hearing temporarily damaged by my roaring in his ears, we made it before the baby came. Carey opened the doors and helped me breathe through one more contraction while she checked on where the baby was. He was almost with us, about to crown! There was no time for the water tub to be filled. I squatted down on the birthing stool and after a couple more contractions, there he was in my arms. What a relief! It was 6:35 AM.
We absolutely loved the privacy and the home-like surroundings of Almost Home Birth Center. We were able to sleep and rest most of the day, and at about 4 PM we went home to a home-cooked dinner and the peace and solace of our own home. I know that if it hadn't been for Carey and her team, things would probably have turned out much differently. We look forward to the privilege of coming under her care for our next baby. We have nothing but positive things to say about the Birth Center and wish everyone would check into birthing there.
Sharon, Marshalltown
вкратце. Эта девушка пришла в центр, как узнала, что беременна - в 9 недель.в центре ей помогли выдержать строгую диету. в этом же центре она готовилась к родам и узнала о водных родах, что помогло ей преодолеть страх родов. 4 октября, когда она принимала душ перед сном, у нее начали отходить воды. из-за того, что она была в душе, она не поняла, сколько вод у нее отошло. Пдр у нее был в конце октября. она подумала, что у нее преждевременный разрыв околоплодного пузыря и что он сам заживет ночью, пока она будет спать. она позвонила акушерке, и та ей сказала, что ребенок родится завтра. ее муж, которой занимается коровами, сказал ей то же самое.
в 3.30 она проснулась от "странных спазмов". потом в 4 утра встал муж и спросил, как часто у нее это бывает. он посчитал схватки и отправил ее в душ отдыхать. они решили, что это самое начало родов и что они пробудут дома еще минимум сутки. в душе схватки усилились, она использовала дыхательные методики, но боли у нее не было.
to be continued
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